Je T' Aime

Publié le par narnia

... Je t'aime
I hear my mouth say  it loud.
Those two words breathing  out , je t'aime
              I love You
                      je t'aime ... blooming out off my chest, reaching away, up into the air  from my lungs, "unrestrained"   heart ,
               je t'aime 
 ...  lips and mouth open up in the night at rest or in pain, in the car while  driving , admiring the landscape, the skies, what is around , overwhelmingly  ... je t'aime,  the light of the sunshine speaks of hope in those two words , sometimes crying out for a need ...
I say je t'aime when I am alone.
Lord , You do hear me  !
It is Yours  through mine .


... je t'aime comes from You  Lord, my  dearest intimate friend, O  Jesus  Your love  for me to tell  others, to my loved ones, to myself !


 Thinking of Virginie and Mathieu in Thailand,  they wrote us  that they won't write for three days ,  they are going in the jungle , will ride elephants, raft ,  visit water falls ...  only took a small bag  with them for their long  walk in nature,  they will sleep at people's homes  "chez l'habitant" on their way.
CHAPEAUX.jpg choupi-matin.jpg

 ( I know "heart changes" will never be  frozen nor static !)
Aware of God's love , I realize I can't help not  spreading around what I get from Him, I cannot keep it for myself !

  God tells  me  to keep some for myself  though ! all the joy He gives to me  in His abounding love , His presence .

 Jesus , I come to you for rest and to be nourished through You, I am  given true and deep joy that is only  yours .

Help me to cling to it, not to give away  Your  love  too soon, before drinking myself at your source.
 "skipping" to drink plenty myself , before I pass Your living water to others.   
...  do you relate  to that ?
As soon as joy fills our heart , it is impossible  not to pass it away to others !  Here is Roseline  with Jacques who came to help cleaning,  we washed some hats and   baskets we brought  back from Indonesia , ages ago ... Asia is almost around the corner !


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