Les Etoiles

Publié le par narnia


Le soleil n'est pas encore levé mais le jour oui, quelques étoiles de la nuit brillent encore dans le ciel, Virginie et Mathieu viennent de partir, calmes , heureux j'espére ... Virginie douce comme une mousse , fragile et déterminée, consciencieuse dans les détails , Mathieu concentré , doux  et efficace, la nuit a été courte aprés une bonne soupe au pistou tard hier soir ...  leur initiation au bridge , Jacques au plus prés de la vie dîtes " normale ".




" Je penserai à toi , à vous, tout le temps , tous les jours" a-t-il dit à sa fille chérie .
Les parents de Mathieu sont en croisière dans les mers du Nord de l'Europe.



We have the priviledge to send them off .
Bummer  yet ! I already wait for their return ! Next month same day , expect  their photos ...

Life is never the same again , won't ever be ! hope and nostalgia, melancoly and joy  are going on together hand in hand , gratitude, hope and desire, no  space  left in my heart other than God's pure love ! 

Lord , I pray  for You  to have no room  within for doubts !

I   ask God to deal with the " situation " for me , for all of us :  and here we are ! HE is!
Prayers are answered .
Always, always will be ...morning birds awaken , singing sweetly , lightly.
Lord , Your kingdom is so incredibly perfect , Your creation so awesome...



Dovi came last night at 9 pm - as she does to help Jacques- when I am away from home.

Already having her in our  Chamborigaud country house makes us travel far, far away in Africa, in a special colorful way .
At about 10 pm last night, she  had her cousin Antonin on the phone.
Antonin is a priest in Benin , he asked to talk to me over the phone -he knows of me with Jesus - I asked him to pray for safety  to bless the kids . He will , he did .
Awesome Lord , we reach  out to you from all over the earth, You lift each one of us anywhere it be.

Prayers from Benin to France  , Africa to Chamborigaud , for Virginie and Mathieu's vacations in Thailand ... Smiles abound !  I know my precious Christian family is celebrating Jesus  in North America  likewise ...

This early new morning sky turns to red now !
Time never stops !

It is a new day again .  Daily chores call me now Thanks be to God!

Psalm 121:6

The sun will not smite by day

Nor the moon by night ;

The LORD will protect you from all evil

The LORD will guard your going in and out and your coming in

From this time forth and forever.


Isaiah 55 :

You will go out in joy  and be led forth  in peace; the  mountains and the hills will burst into song before you , and  all the trees  of the field will clap their hands;


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